
a quick distraction

so, i recently apeared under my pseudoname, "ja'son" on jeremy's podcast.

no, a quick little shoutout, i would like to thank my first reader, that i know of, who was not a friend of mine! w00t!
addmittedly, i was chastised for my spelling of hooting yard "hooting yand" you can find a link on the side of this page. over there.

what's that, you can't find it?

well you're not looking hard enough!

fine, it's over there in the corner. look, if you're that incompatent, you should go back to school. i know it's not fun, i go there too. seriously, i do. look, if you still can't find it, i'll come over to your house and help you, if you pay for it.

anywhay, a new story thing will be up soon.

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