

a while back, i shared a couple of pieces that i submitted to various competitions. and as it turns out, my fnord poem was accepted to be published. despite what makes sense, this did not make me happy. in fact, this threw me into a bad mood, which i am still in. as far as i can tell, the reason why this depressed me is this: i can't decide if this is my work, i mean truly my original work. i did not invent fnord, nor the discordian (in leu of better terms) meme regarding it. but i am fairly sure i made most of the sentences. i also don't think it is really poetry. other bonuses of publishing include 1) publicity. and 2) i can say i won something. bit the final result is that, rather than jumping up and doing the happy dance of happiness, this award made me sad. i guess we'll see how i feel in a few days (deadline is may 30th)

in the interim, i strongly encourage you to post what you think about this. is it my original work?

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