
name change.

For those who don't know, my name is Jason.

last year, I decided to spell it with an okina because I could.

I hove decided to change it again this year. like last year, I am polling people to see what they think about it. please comment here, and vote in the pole.

the options are:

1 Iason.

this is the greek spelling of Jason. from Iason and the argonauts.

2 Ia'son.

same, but with an okina in it.

3 J'son.

lacking the "a".

4 Ja'slon.

because every sci-fi thing ends in a consonant and then "lon".


Rogue Onion said...

Keep the Okina, but I'd suggest Ia'son. Uh oh, it's kinda like Ievan Polkka, I thought for the entire time that it was levan Polkka (with an l), but then I realized it was an I and my days of pronunciation died.

rayfreester said...

did you pass the math test? also is tonight twisted-flicks or is it riday/saturday?